Central Long Island

Action Alert!

Written by centralli | May 26, 2011 3:25:00 AM
Subject: Dumping in Reynolds Channel

Hi, your help is needed again...

You signed the petition to "Stop the Dumping in Reynolds Channel".  Your signature helped tell our elected officials to stop the illegal dumping into Reynolds Channel.   And it did stop....


Because of your support Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano made the Bay Park Sewer Treatment Plant a priority.  With a solid plan, financial resources and a new team of dedicated commissioners and workers ongoing repairs have been made and the plant has been discharging in legal limits since January.  Much more needs to be done, a time line of repairs are in place and we will continue to make sure the plant is in compliance.


We need your help again to sign another petition... 

WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHEN WE ARE FISHING AND SWIMMING IN SEWAGE.  http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/righttoknow

If high levels of Sewage were to be dumped again, there is no protocol for notifying the public.  A group of concerned citizens, environmentalists and civic leaders formed the Sludge Stoppers Task Force to address this problem of Sewage spills and lack of public notification. 


Nassau County Legislator Dave Denenberg introduced the
“Nassau County Right to Know of a Sewage Spill Bill”


This Bill is in committee and we need to tell our Legislators that  "we have a right to know"This Bill simply requires the Department of Public Works to report a discharge over the legal limits to the Board of Health and the Board of Health to notify the public


Please go to this petitions link http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/righttoknow/

Sign and tell all our Legislators to sign this Bill into law.




Please forward this email.

Thank you
Scott Bochner
Sludge Stoppers Task Force