The Central Long Island Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation worked with a coalition of other groups, including Citizens Campaign for the Environment, to pass a law in the Town of Hempstead, NY, making it illegal to intentionally release balloons. Released balloons end up as litter, causing power outages and harming coastal and ocean wildlife.
The Chapter joined a sign-on letter to the Town of Hempstead on August 30, asking them to make it illegal to relase balloons on purpose. CLI Chapter Co-Chair Amanda Moore spoke at a press event on September 16, ending up on the evening news. The Chapter worked a paper petition at various tabling events, and Matt Gove spoke at a public hearing for the Chapter in Hempstead on November 12, 2019. The Town voted to pass the code changes on November 12, 2019, with an amendment that no one under the age of 18 could be cited for a violation.