The Central Long Island Chapter wants to see a county-wide ban on expanded polystyrene foam from food service establishments.
Nassau County is sandwiched in between two areas that now have bans on EPS foam; New York City and Suffolk County, NY. So it only makes sense for Nassau County, with the Long Island Sound on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other to ban the scourge of EPS foam, (aka Styrofoam) as well.
Nassau County Legislator Denise Ford introduced a bill to do just this and the chapter supports this completely. The chapter's Ocean Friendly Restaurants program has been taking off recently so there is real awareness of the issue and a desire to attack the foamed-plastic problem. The chapter signed on a letter circulated to environmental groups in the area and will be testifying on the bill in the County Legislature.
Local chapter campaign page here
Update: The Nassau County (New York) Legisature passed this bill into law on May 20, 2019. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2020. The Central Long Island Chapter testified at the hearing, alongside two of their local Ocean Friendly Restaurant representatives. Surfrider worked closely with Citizens Campaign for the Environment on this campaign. Photos below.