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Plastic Straws By Request Only


Join us in asking our elected officials in New York to pass NY State bills A207 and S1505, making plastic straws available at bars and restaurants, by request-only!  Straws are often littered, or caught by the wind, ending up in our streams, bays, ocean, and beaches. Plastic straws are frequently cited as one of the top ten items found in beach cleanups.  Let’s reduce plastic straw pollution in New York State!

Straws are often littered, or caught by the wind, ending up in our streams, bays, ocean, and beaches. Plastic straws are frequently cited as one of the top ten items found in beach cleanups.

Plastic does not biodegrade, but breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces creating pollution that is virtually impossible to clean up and ends up in our food chain. Marine life can also be harmed by ingesting plastic straws.

California recently passed a similar policy and dozens of cities including Miami Beach, Portland, Seattle, and many others have also restricted plastic straws. Let’s follow their lead and reduce plastic straw pollution in New York State!

Take action here to contact your legislators and make your voice heard!